- Putting Government Data Online Tim Berners-Lee most excellent article challenging us to take the risk and be open before we know the results. My #1.
- Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable Clay Shirky's view of journalism is an insight into the disruptive change we are living.
- "The Not-So-Hidden Politics of Class Online" danah boyd's speech at June's Personal Democracy Forum forcing folks to sit up and think about how we use and think about online social networks.
- Web Squared: Web 2.0 Five Years On (PDF) Tim O’Reilly and John Battelle's discussion on how the Web is learning, and maybe solving some of our data issues.
- Is Twitter a Complex Adaptive System? Vanessa Miemis laces a number of disciplines together to build on structure and development of online social systems (not just Twitter).
- Cultural Change is Free In this video, John Seddon talks about "systems thinking", as opposed to the top-down "management thinking" or "Command and Control" thinking. Or, the manifesto to letting it go. Watch the entire video, it's worth it.
- Wikipedia Approaches Its Limits
- Accept Defeat: The Neuroscience of Screwing Up
- Are IP Addresses Personal? from the Google Public Policy Blog
- Four Things 50 Cent Can Teach You About Connecting with Your Audience
- Information Foraging: Why Google Makes People Leave Your Site Faster
- What Would 9-11 Be Like in the Age of Social Media?
- Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: The Real-Time Web
Next, here are the ten most popular posts from this blog in 2009.
- What Is the Most Important Thing?
- Transparency Requires Plain Language
- Yellow Brick Roadmap: Five Examples of Getting Gov 2.0 Done
- 5 Social Media Memes Changing Government
- Hey dot-gov! Don't Believe Your Hype
- Innovation Causes Failure
- New Utah Website Graded on Tasks
- Talk Talk vs. Do Do
- 7 Listening Tools: Getting from Asking to Listening
- Social Networking and National Security
And, last, here's to an exciting New Year! Can't wait to see what's next.